Sunday, January 18, 2015

Writing as a Self-Revelation

The article Writing as a Self-Revelation focuses on a few different topics but my favorite passage title is Private Writing. The author makes an interesting point of saying people talk ninety percent and write only ten percent. Of course, people are going to talk more then write because us as people have to speak daily to get most points across. At the end of the day, you were able to talk before you could write or read. We are taught at a young age to say little words and as we grow older our vocabulary expands. However, there is a huge difference between talking out loud and writing because more then likely your language will change. When you sit down to write you do not know exactly what you are going to say, you just write and try your best to make it flow. When you write, it has to be interesting and makes the reader want more because you never know who is reading your work. When living, you learn more and more rules about writing and the basics to it. Of course, it is human nature to automatically respond to certain  things in a different manner. Writing privately is fine but when you write for the public you are releasing your opinions and feelings. In order to appeal to the readers, you have to be fun and not boring because it is so easy to lose a reader's interest no matter the topic. The following link is a YouTube video on writing tips to help that are unusual but can help when writing about certain topics or even people.
Unusual Writing Tips

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